Stop men slipping
through the cracks

Improve your skills to engage and retain men in therapy with Men in Mind - a world-first professional training course for mental health practitioners informed by the latest strategies for delivering mental health support for men.

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Stop men slipping through the cracks

Over 50%

of men who die by suicide have been in contact with mental health services prior to their death.*

From difficulties helping men access and describe their emotional world, to responding to anger or aggression with men in suicidal crisis, the challenges mental health practitioners face when working with men are complex. 

Men in Mind helps practitioners better grasp the complexities of men's health and masculinity to deliver care that engages, motivates and connects with male clients. 

Schaffer et al., 2016, World Psychiatry
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Reframe therapy with men

We’ve synthesised the latest research evidence for specific practical techniques to use when working with men’s anger, depression and suicidality. You’ll feel confident and equipped with the skills needed to unpack male clients’ experiences of masculinity to promote positive change.
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Self-paced learning 

Our team of instructional and learning-design experts have delivered an immersive and impactful experience. Using videos, reflective exercises and practical worksheets, you’ll be guided through five modules exploring how best to engage four male clients in a course of therapy.
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Feedback from course participants: 

"The much needed male focus was fantastic. The standard of content was excellent and clearly based on evidence. The way in which it was presented made it easy to engage with."

"I loved everything about this course - it was easy to navigate, the vignettes were extremely helpful and the additional resources were excellent. I began to use this training in my practice immediately illustrating its use in enhancing work with male clients."

"Encouraged and allowed me to adopt viewing behaviour through a gender lens. This has made me feel more authentic in my interactions with my clients."

Enrol in Men in Mind

If you’re interested in upskilling your practice to better respond to boys and men's needs, please register for the program below.

Simple strategies for improving engagement and motivation among male clients, including those who might struggle to communicate their emotions. 
Embed masculinity in a clinical conceptualisation of men’s depression including history taking, formulation and therapy planning.
Identify warning signs for male suicide, and leverage masculinity when intervening.